full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Itamar Mann: A new approach to defending the human rights of migrants

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In recent years, the Italians have relied on Libyan mtiilais to do their dirty work. So eager are some eeuoaprn gnmrenovtes to ditch their own human rights obligations, they've equipped and armed Libyan militia, ignoring their rampant use of torture. This is also why, since January 2014, more than 34,000 migrants have died by drowning in the Mediterranean. And since COVID-19 bagen, the mraitzeilid border in the Mediterranean has become in some ways even more extreme. But how does the militarized border cause deaths by dwnronig? I'd like to illustrate by a reference to a case I'm currently working on.

Open Cloze

In recent years, the Italians have relied on Libyan ________ to do their dirty work. So eager are some ________ ___________ to ditch their own human rights obligations, they've equipped and armed Libyan militia, ignoring their rampant use of torture. This is also why, since January 2014, more than 34,000 migrants have died by drowning in the Mediterranean. And since COVID-19 _____, the ___________ border in the Mediterranean has become in some ways even more extreme. But how does the militarized border cause deaths by ________? I'd like to illustrate by a reference to a case I'm currently working on.


  1. governments
  2. militias
  3. militarized
  4. began
  5. european
  6. drowning

Original Text

In recent years, the Italians have relied on Libyan militias to do their dirty work. So eager are some European governments to ditch their own human rights obligations, they've equipped and armed Libyan militia, ignoring their rampant use of torture. This is also why, since January 2014, more than 34,000 migrants have died by drowning in the Mediterranean. And since COVID-19 began, the militarized border in the Mediterranean has become in some ways even more extreme. But how does the militarized border cause deaths by drowning? I'd like to illustrate by a reference to a case I'm currently working on.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
human rights 12
asylum seekers 5
european court 3
militarized border 2
rights lawyering 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
human rights lawyering 2

Important Words

  1. armed
  2. began
  3. border
  4. case
  5. deaths
  6. died
  7. dirty
  8. ditch
  9. drowning
  10. eager
  11. equipped
  12. european
  13. extreme
  14. governments
  15. human
  16. ignoring
  17. illustrate
  18. italians
  19. january
  20. libyan
  21. mediterranean
  22. migrants
  23. militarized
  24. militia
  25. militias
  26. obligations
  27. rampant
  28. reference
  29. relied
  30. rights
  31. torture
  32. ways
  33. work
  34. working
  35. years